Plan B & Oh 💩 ?! (TMI)

Mayo🧂 • Associates in Criminal Justice | Not Sugarcoating| Mom

I need help understanding where I am in my cycle and maybe what’s going on..

• I had my period on CD 37 (4 days over my usual, but within normalcy for me (I’m usually 32-37 days)) -

April 5th: CD1

•Had sex 4/20 (CD16): around 1/2am, took a Plan B 12 hours later.

• April 24th (CD20): Had brown withdrawal bleeding from the plan b (4days after plan b) BROWN AND LIGHTER IN VOLUME

•May 7th: counts as CD33, nothing happens..

• May 8th: Takes a pregnancy test in the middle of the day, a slight hold, had drank during the course of the hold (large sweet tea to be specific) *BFN*

• May 12th (CD38) I had a slightly tinged colored CM when wiped & nothing

more. (Pic 2).

• May 13th (CD39): Had this when I wiped & nothing more.

• Today (CD40): Nothing so far, had morning BM and when I wiped, didn’t see anything.

Do I retest? Only thing I’ve noticed is; I’m more moody, I’m breaking out (I usually only do this if I’m about to start my period or pregnant, face usually clears up in pregnancy though towards middle), sore boobs have been on and off, and a daily headache of some sort.

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