Still hurting…regret


I had my medical abortion on August 16 2023. I was three weeks pregnant and my beautiful baby was only five months at the time. I found it hard to even talk about it. Never in million years did I think I would be one who would go through an abortion. I want all mu children but due to certain circumstances I knew that it would be difficult on us and unfair to my first born. After few yrs of TTC and being told it would be difficult to get pregnant with fibroids- I was blessed to get pregnant twice.

I miss my second baby so much I still cry tears for that baby. I never wanted to do it but I felt like it would be the more responsible thing to do. I am grateful for the child I have now, but feel guilty for mourning my second child. I considered myself a mom of two. I think about my second child often and wonder if that child knew how much love I have for them and wish I could say how sorry I am that you could not join me in the physical side. I’m even crying right now as I am typing this… Anyone else felt like this, or am I alone as I often feel?