Blocked Tubes Miracle BFP 12 & 13 DPO
I’m sooo filled with joy ladies. I’ve been trying to conceive for years I am currently 28 and I can’t even count for how long I’ve been trying but I think 9 years. But I’m here to tell all the ladies that’s at their last hope DONT GIVE UP! There have been many nights I’ve cried and asked God what’s wrong with me. I tried everything Pre-Seed prenatal pills everything and I still didn’t know why it wasn’t happening for me. I got a new boyfriend that this month would be a year for us. He helped me in sooo many ways that I am forever grateful and I thank God so many times for bringing him into my life. I’ve been so depressed and angry that I would drink & smoke to hide my pain and I’ve done so much stuff that I regret but when I met him. He helped me get closer to God. I quit drinking and smoking. I let everything go to get closer God and do everything I could to have a baby. I didn’t know where the money was going to come from but we trusted in God and I set up a appointment to go to an infertility clinic. First step was to have a transvaginal ultrasound to see if I have PCOS Endometriosis or anything down there. They did notice I had one small cyst but it wasn’t anything major and it wasn’t near my uterus so they went to the next steps which was an HSG and the other one i don’t remember what it’s called. But we did the one where they go in with a camera and they take a look around they didn’t find anything so we switched rooms and they did the one where it’s an xray and they put the dye to see if you tubes are open. It was sooo much pain I can’t even describe what it felt like I just know I didn’t wanna feel like that again. In which they told me my left tube was block (proximal blockage). So when the doctor did a zoom call to go over her findings she told me it was blocked and she wanted to go straight to <a href="">IVF</a> which is $15,000 and most insurances don’t cover that. I had all my questions in order because I did my research prior to the call. I knew a cheaper route was <a href="">IUI</a> or tubal flushing if it’s just blocked at the front. So I began asking her all these questions and telling her which route I wanted to take because I knew I didn’t have $15,000 for <a href="">IVF</a> and I also still wanted to try naturally because my blocked tubes wasn’t too bad. So she just kept directing me towards the <a href="">IVF</a>. I Also looked up with <a href="">IUI</a> it’s a possibility you can have twins & with all the medicine they give you the babies could possibly come out with some birth defects. So she decided to give my boyfriend a semen analysis and which she told him his sperm count was very low & he had kid(S) already. I just got tired of hearing bad news and I know I didn’t have the money for that. The doctor said my vitamin D was low so she prescribed me some high dose medicine to get my vitamin d where it needs to be. The prescription came with 8 pills so I knew I had 8 weeks to figure out my plan or what I’m going to do next if I would go forward with the <a href="">IVF</a> or not. Because I really wanted my baby. I took the pills for two weeks while researching I saw a lot of women’s talking about Chinese teas, serrapeptase, and fertility tea. I previously bought the serrapeptase before because I saw videos on it but I was scared to take it because a lot of ppl said it made them feel sick but at this point I was desperate. Some women said they were taking up to 12 pills a day along with everything else to clear their blocked tubes. I started out with the serrapeptase because I already had it on hand and if it didn’t work I would buy the other stuff. So at this point I gave myself 6 weeks and if didn’t get pregnant I would go back to the doctor. I began taking 2 pills a day to see if I would get sick or not. In which nothing happened to me. Soooo I started going up more and more pills a day I got to like 6 a day and my period started so I stopped because I heard it makes you bleed more if you continue to take it. You can but I chose not to. So my period even became lighter I use to have like 6 or 7 day periods this month it was like 4 or 5 days. I tracked my ovulation with the <a href="">glow app</a> and I used the Premom app as well because that app tells you when it’s your peak and it tells you if you ovulating or not because sometimes I have a hard time reading those strips. So when my ovulation day came well i was already BD after my period was over but ovulation day i already had Pre-Seed & conception pills because ive tried all this before and it didnt work. so ovulation day we BD using preseed that day and 2-3 days after. i wasnt getting my hopes up because ive been trying for many years and nothing ever worked for me soo i was a little hopeful and a little not. so yesterday while my boyfriend was working a double and i was at home all by myself im getting ready for work my 5:00 shift and God just tells me take a HPT and after i finished my hair i took the test. i couldnt keep my eyes off the test i stared at it for the whole 3 minutes. i seen every line form on that test i didnt know if i was having line eyes or not so i continued to wait some more minutes and when i looked again both lines were there it was a faint line but i didnt care it was bold lines to me in my eyes because i was sooo happy and filled with joy a BFP at 12 dpo all i could do was cry, thank God & tell him I Love him. i told my bf he made me take another one and today he made me take 2 more and there were all faint postives. i have a bunch more to my story but i think i will make a youtube channel about it. but i say this all to say ANYONE like me or have PCOS OR ENDO NEVER GIVE UP! never stop trying try the stuff i said or even do your own research. with the doctors everything is about money. do your research,
trust God, Talk to God & dont lean on your own understanding he will heal you like he did Me & everyone else in the bible. i am a living testimony of it can happen to you. if any body reading this needs someone to talk to or some encouraging words reach out to me and we can do the journey together !

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.