C-section questions as a 3rd time mom


So I go Wednesday morning at 6 for my 3rd C-section and 2nd planned C-section and even though I've done it twice already, I still have questions. Such as:

- what can I do to prevent heartburn keeping me awake the night before?

I know I can't take TUMS, my hospital still stands by the (eat/drink nothing after midnight including water) rule so I can't drink water to keep it at bay.

I don't want acid reflux to keep me awake all night to where I can't sleep, and I don't remember if I had that problem with my 2nd C-section until I was actually at the hospital and they could give me medication for it prior to surgery. (Which I was allowed to eat ice chips before the procedure but not drink water the night before which made zero sense to me)

I just want to sleep comfortably tomorrow night (as good as I can anyways, I won't have my 2 littles in bed with me which is going to feel weird and my mom brain is going to worry all night) but, I just don't want to be kept awake by acid reflux because it gets so bad I will wake up choking on stomach acid, and if I can't take anything or even drink water past midnight, it's going to be a long night.

My plan was to avoid foods that give me bad heartburn such as anything with spices or tomato related, but realistically I could drink liquid 24 hrs a day and still get heartburn.

What did you do for your HB?