Is this strange behaviour from this man?

Was dating a guy who ended things early this year as he didn’t feel romantic. He seemed a bit avoidant in some ways. Was surprised ended things as we were really connecting and also had a good physical connection

He stayed friends. Asked to see me In April and he was hugging me and telling me how great I am and how he loves seeing me and how well we get along.

In may he texted me asking about my holiday. I replied telling him all about it and asked him how he was doing. He never replied.

Then the other day he replied to my Instagram story ‘hope you are well.’ I thought he wanted to open up a conversation so I replied and asked him how his new job was going.

Once again…. Silence. He didn’t reply. And I’m sat feeling sad and worried what’s wrong with me.

Why would a man message you first and then never reply?

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He’s checking if the door is still open for him to come in and out of your life. And you keep opening it letting him in and out


Posted at
it seems like he was just checking in on you. maybe he feels bad for ghosting you but not bad enough to want to be friends with you again. I’d just stop responding to him


Posted at
Stop responding, if anything I’d unfollow him. It’s embarrassing. Not sure why he acts that way. He’s giving you little breadcrumbs here and there so you can stay around and reply back whenever he messages which you clearly do. You just need to block him