Would I be an asshole for reporting my coworker to HR?

I started a new nursing job a few months ago and one of my coworkers asked about my tattoos. I was telling her the story behind them and when I got to the Goddess on my left arm I said this was Hecate. She asked who Hecate was and I said the Goddess of witchcraft. She asked why I would tattoo her own me and I just said she's my deity. She was confused and I just said she's who me and my family worship. She then starts getting really preachy towards me and I said thank you but I have my beliefs and you have yours. For the last 2 months she keeps inviting me to her church and I keep turning her down. She leave leaves religious pamphlets on my car. She has spread rumors that I'm a devil worshiper and she's gonna try to save me. Gave my number out to her pastor and he contacted me one day. I've asked her to leave me alone about this multiple times and its getting crazy. The whole giving my number to someone idk was recent. She keeps trying to save me and I don't need to be saved. My husband said at this point it could be considered discrimination against my religion and I should go to HR. I've never went to any HR about anything ever because I don't want to be seen as an asshole but would I be an AH for reporting her when she won't leave me alone after i told her to stop.