Am I paranoid? Help

So I just started having sex with biological men for the first time since high school a few months ago. My last long term boyfriend was trans ftm so I didn’t have to worry about birth control and before that relationship I was celibate after graduating high school and avoiding boys. Just to give some backstory.


I’m new to the whole having sex thing and I’m freaking out a little bit. A month ago (June 1) the condom broke with a guy I’ve been having sex with, I took a plan B the morning after. I have no idea if it worked or not. I had a little spotting in the a week before my period but it wasn’t enough to even put a panty liner in. I’m now a week past my period’s due date— I think I’m being paranoid. I’m really afraid I might be pregnant. I took a test a day after I was due for it and it was solidly negative, but I read that false negative can happen if you test too early. My period is nowhere to be seen, all my usual signs aren’t happening besides the sore boobs. I also read that you could be a week late on your period if you take a plan B and it’s less likely to work if you’re overweight (which I am a little bit). I also have PCOS, so irregular periods aren’t crazy but with the having sex, uncertainty around Plan B, and the fact that I’m in the normal range now for my T-levels (therefore more fertile than I ever was before) I’m freaking out. What do I do? I just want my period to come already 😭 I’m only 21, not finished with the school, and completely broke.

UPDATE: I got my period this morning!