To transfer or not to transfer!


This was my 4th round of egg retrieval. The previous rounds I got 6-12 eggs; one resulted in one healthy embryo, one resulted in no blasts, and one resulted in 2 healthy embryos, one of which resulted in a chemical. My egg retrieval yesterday we did a low protocol. They retrieved 21 eggs. 17 were mature and 12 fertilized. We have male factor infertility. I feel fine, besides some trapped gas. Transfer is scheduled for Saturday, but she told me my chances are lower due to the number of eggs retrieved. We are going to reassess on Friday.

Just wondering if anyone has been through this before and would have any advice. It’s worth noting that this was my last chance with insurance, and my insurance considers an ER/transfer as one cycle. If I wait, I’ll have to pay any additional transfers out of pocket.