3rd Month of TTC and were in the TWW

So I haven't been on here in a few weeks as I was so sad and angry after being four days late and having signs of possible pregnancy Aunt Flow decided to show up. I literally had just opened a new box of pregnancy tests Ito go and take one when low and behold I was bleeding quite heavily. I'm pretty sure that I may have MC'd :( as this period was extremely heavy and contained large glops of blood. Mind you I have Endometriosis so generally my periods are pretty short and very light.  So now that Aunt Flow has come and gone I tested positive for ovulation on Saturdy and Sunday so needless to say DH and I have been quite busy in the bedroom! :) Hoping this month will be the one as we patiently await the TWW until I'm able to take a test.
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 I'm also on tww. Planning to test on the 12th. I was curious as you said your endometriosis causes short, light periods. I also have endometriosis, last surgery was at 18 (10 years ago) however, my periods last around 9-11 days and are extremely heavy and clotty.  I always believed endometriosis was the reason my periods were so bad. 


Sarah • Oct 22, 2014
Do you have any of those symptoms?


Sarah • Oct 22, 2014
Oh he also mentioned according to my charting that I have dysfunctional ovulation and may not ovulate each month.


Sarah • Oct 22, 2014
my endo before another surgery. Good luck to you!