Baby movements


How many weeks were you when you first felt baby’s movements? I’m a little concerned I haven’t felt anything yet. My 16 week appointment is on the 29th so I’m thinking I can bring it up then, but I also wanna go to the er just to make sure everything is still cooking in there. I’ve also had some cramping a few times this week, no spotting or anything like that. Am I just being worried? Is it something I should involve a doctor/trained med professional about? Is patience really the key here?! Help

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Posted at
Do not go to the ER for this. It's completely normal that you do not feel any baby flutters or movements at 16 weeks.


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I felt flutters around 16 weeks every few days and 18 weeks the became more regular and by 22 weeks I had movements every day.


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I have felt all of my kids at around the 15th week mark. However, everyone is built different and the placenta depends on where it is at can also hinder you feeling the kicks just yet. With my girls have/have an anterior placenta which is in the front. With my son I had a posterior placenta. My kids are not gentle babies while they are in the womb. I have seen my kids on an ultrasound put their knees to their chest and then kick me. I have a friend she has an anterior placenta with her son and she didn’t start to feel kick until she was around 19 weeks.


Stacey • Jul 18, 2024
This is the case for me as well, I have an anterior so I didn’t feel movement until 19/20 weeks and even then, it was just small flutters. I would say MOST people don’t feel movement until 19/20 weeks, sometimes even later.


Posted at
This is normal. Especially if you won’t be 16 weeks until around the 29th which would make you around 14 weeks. I honestly barely felt my son move in my first pregnancy and this time around I think I do but it’s very rare and I’m unsure that’s even what it is lol. I’m 17 weeks.


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Typically you don’t start feeling movement till 18-20w and a bit longer for new mommas.


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I didn’t feel baby until 18ish weeks this pregnancy


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16 weeks is still a little early to be feeling movement. I didn’t feel movement until 19/20 weeks and even then, it was just little flutters. I couldn’t tell if it was gas or her moving. I didn’t feel full on movement until about 28-30 weeks. The location of your placenta can also affect this as well although I’m sure you’re aware of that. But you’re still very early to be feeling movement so I wouldn’t worry just yet!


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1st around 17 weeks, 2 around 15 weeks and 3 around 14-15 weeks


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@GlowGPT please help me with this topic!