Symptoms by day leading to BFP!


Hi everyone - thought I’d share my symptoms leading to a BFP since I have read so many posts about symptoms by day until this moment.

About me: Came off hormonal pill on 1/1, just had first BFP yesterday. I’ve had quite the irregular cycle and didn’t think I’d be able to get pregnant without help - but here we are. I originally thought I was 14DPO today but am now thinking I may be more like 12/13DPO (I don’t track BBT). I started acupuncture for fertility to help regulate my cycle after reaching my 55th day and ended up ovulating just 5 days after acupuncture. I don’t know if that’s just coincidence, but I do think that feeling relaxed helped this one stick (for now - please wish me baby dust!).

1DPO - very bloated & full, pressure/cramps, sensitive nipples, light nausea, little cream CM, dream I was pregnant

2DPO - gassy, bloated, watery CM, very sore nipples, light nausea, pressure/cramps

3DPO - light nausea, cramps, bloated, sensitive nipples

4DPO - sore nipples, cramps, bloated, light sticky CM, tingly & itchy boobs, light nausea, sweet vomit taste in mouth (this taste is the first cycle I’ve ever had it & I felt like something might be up)

5DPO - pulling medium cramps, bloated, nausea, boobs feel full, light sticky/dry CM

6DPO - sweet vomit taste returns, nausea, cramps, boobs feel full, light sore throat, feeling out of breath/weak

7DPO - sweet vomit taste, cramps, boobs feel full, light sore throat, twinges in middle of pelvic area

8DPO - sweet vomit taste, light cramps, creamy CM; BFN

9DPO - sweet vomit taste, light cramps; BFN

10DPO - sweet vomit taste, no other symptoms, sticky/watery CM; BFN

11DPO - cramps medium for a bit, sweet vomit taste momentarily, implantation bleed? [didn’t test, I was traveling & feeling discouraged. I thought I was getting my period after what turned out to be brown CM from a likely implantation bleed]

12DPO - BFP on FRER + vvvfl on pregmate cheapie, pressure & cramps, implantation bleed?, sweet vomit taste, very bloated, closed cervix and dry CM

13DPO - digital BFP + BFP FRER + still vvvfl on pregmate