Well I got what I wanted ๐Ÿ˜‚ July 11th


For context, my plan was to ultimately have an unmedicated birth, and well...I got it ๐Ÿ˜‚

So let's rewind almost 6ยฝ hours, when I FINALLY went through registration @ 2:30 pm. My induction was originally set for 8 that morning, but before I left for the hospital I got a phone call informing me that I had to wait because there were no rooms or extra staff available. It seemed everyone and their sister were having babies that day ๐Ÿ˜‚ I waited for a couple of hours then decided to go up there to wait, because it was already warming up and I ran a high risk of overheating even with drinking fluids. So I made the 2-bus journey and called them after getting there to see what the situation was. It was STILL at least a 2-hr wait because of the staff shortage. So I waited for FOUR MORE HOURS and was contemplating saying Screw This and going home when I got the call ๐ŸŽ‰

Up in L&D, I got changed and given an IV port. Then labs were drawn and my Pitocin was hooked up. I put on a hypno birthing soundtrack I found on YouTube through my BT headphones, but since my child kept hiding from the monitor (๐Ÿ™„) I was forced to lay down rather than moving around like I originally wanted. With the help of that soundtrack, I breezed through the majority of my labor to the point where afterwards one of the nurses told me that I was asleep every time she came into my room (I actually wasn't, I was just that relaxed and zoned out ๐Ÿ˜‚).

Things were fine and dandy for hours...until they weren't. The contractions were at the point to where I couldn't ignore them anymore, but I still powered through them for as long as I could. I eventually got to the point where I needed help, because they were coming at me like Mike Tyson in a boxing ring. So I paged the nurses' station with the words, "I think it's time for some pain management." Then, shit hit the fan.

The next 20 minutes were absolutely CHAOTIC. As I was waiting, my contractions ramped up significantly then MY WATER BROKE. I was vocalizing my pain at this point, because I was being shown no mercy. As doctors checked to see me to see how low my baby was, I screamed at them to stop because the contraction that hit me was BRUTAL and the one after that threw everyone in panic mode because my body has taken over and I had started to push. By now, I was screaming at the top of my lungs, sounding absolutely psychotic, because I was TERRIFIED of how quickly my daughter was coming. The ring of fire hit and I lost my damn mind. The nurse kept reminding me to bend my knees because I went ramrod straight, desperate to get her out. A few minutes later, I managed to bend my knees long enough to bear down on my own and finally deliver my 5th earth side baby.

Elvira Mae was born @ 8:21 pm, screaming in protest, weighing a very healthy 8lbs 7oz and measuring 22 in long ๐Ÿฉท The bruising on her face is from her descending so quickly, which stunned even the doctors because she had wasted no time getting here ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿฉท

You can't even tell that this is the same kid that I basically screamed into existence! ๐Ÿ˜‚

She is now 8 days old and in foster care, but that's a whole separate post. I'm just thankful that she's here, she's with her brother, and the foster moms are the coolest people ever โœจ And no, I didn't tear even in the slightest, don't knock a fucking miracle ๐Ÿคฃ