10dpo, cramping like AF is imminent


Hi everyone!

TTC #2. The past two months have been a bit of a rollercoaster so I’m trying not to get my hopes up, but…

I’ve had mild cramping off and on since about 4-5 dpo and yesterday (10 dpo), it felt exactly like the day of AF for me—heavy lower belly, pretty moderate cramps to where I was going to the bathroom fully expecting AF to have started 4 days early. I don’t usually cramp like that unless it’s literally day of AF arrival. Cramps intensified until about 3pm and then gradually decreased until they were basically gone by that night. This morning, I’ll have twinges, but nothing crazy.

Could this have been implantation cramping? Has anyone else had this at 10dpo or so and gotten a BFP?

My test this morning was negative, which I expect if I only just implanted!