I’m against spanking as a dicipline towards kids


So i know that not everyone might agree with my post, and that’s ok i guess. But i don’t support spanking or hitting children as a discipline, i don’t support people or parents who think that this is ok, i just don’t. And i know there might be some comments that are like “Yeah i was spanked, and everything turned fine” or “spanking makes good kids”, but i refuse to believe in them! Kids should get disciplined, but spanking or hitting children doesn’t help at all! I got spanked as a child, and it didn’t made an impact on me(it did made me a kinky BDSM freak who loves getting spanked, but it didn’t made learn any lessons), it only made me highly sensitive, anxious, and shy.

So i don’t understand why spanking kids is ok in some countries? I’m against it, and it sheds my heart into pieces seeing children getting hurt and cry from this unforgivable punishment.