Am I just being paranoid?

I've had a completely healthy normal pregnancy so far but due to having a 21 week loss with no explanation last year, I'm extremely anxious and paranoid with this pregnancy. So I'm constantly worried I'm not feeling enough movement and my thoughts start to go to all the things that could go wrong. I've been to l&d twice this pregnancy and both times everything was fine.

That said, last night I felt a weird pain on the middle left side of my abdomen and I'm pretty sure it was a foot digging into that spot. But my placenta is right there so I started to worry something happened to the placenta. My stomach also got extremely hard. I also felt less movement last night before I went to bed. There was some but just a little here and there.

This morning I felt like there wasn't much either and my stomach was still feeling hard and still kind of hurt.  I did have an OB appointment where I brought all of this up. Her heart rate was perfect, I'm measuring perfect. They had me stay there to do my kick counts, and I got 10 kicks in under 10 mins, so the movement has picked up since I got to my doctors. I was originally going to go into l&d to get checked, but I got my kick counts, got the heart rate checked, am I just being paranoid?  I will occasionally go through a long stretch where there's little to no movement, but then an hour later it picks up and there's quite a bit of movement. Should I be feeling movement all the time or does everyone experience stretches of down time? I still can't help but feel nervous but I don't know if it's just my normal anxiety having me worry or if there's something I should really worry about.

I'm 35+5 and I'm ready for this anxiety to end and just have this baby and her to be healthy. I just can't help but feel like I'm waiting for something bad to happen and I'm trying to be hyper aware of something feeling off so I can intervene before something tragic happens.