How do you deal with a man child

I’ve been with my boyfriend for a year, and we’ve lived together for 3 months now. I quickly realised that he is a man-child and completely unable to do things on his own. I always have to tell him how and when to do stuff, demonstrate, guide and help him. He’s 25 and i’m 21. I can’t live with this dynamic. I’ve told him a couple times before to help more and do more chores etc, but it doesn’t change. Yesterday we bought a new vacuum cleaner. He had been off from work after feeling a little sick (man-flu) and I came home from my job, he started vacuuming and quit after only doing our bedroom. He didn’t do the carpet, or under the bed or the corners of the room, only a square part in the middle. And that was it. Then he sat on the couch watching youtube the rest of the night. He left it still plugged in the wall and I tripped on the cords while carrying our dinner dishes to the sink. It’s been like this ever since we moved in together and I don’t want to live like this for the rest of my life. I don’t know if it’s something he can change, if he’s even willing to, or if I even have the patience to help/teach him to be more grown up. It’s unattractive, exhausting and annoying to be with a man like that. I don’t know what to say to him or if the relationship should end here. I probably should have paid more attention to his behaviour and I could have saved us both from this.