Late Period Negative Test


So I still haven’t gotten my period. The first photo is from a different app that has been more accurate for my period- at times I can go three days after it says it is “scheduled.” Well AF still hasn’t shown. (Other app says I am technically 5 days late, and this app says I am 4 days late.)

I have been nauseous in the morning however, with the health issues I’ve had (not pertaining to reproductive health,) nausea is common for me. I don’t believe I have signs of pregnancy- no sore breasts, or frequent urination. Yet, I am tried lately (again this is not unusual for me,) I have been nauseous, craving specific foods, been having hot flashes (typically I am always cold,) and my AF isn’t here. Also, what I find odd is with my digestive issues before getting my period I have flare ups of my symptoms and this time nothing? 🤔

I’ve taken about 5 red dye tests and all are BFNs. I’m not sure if I just ovulated late or what but typically I am always on time. I’m lost at the moment because most always I have period symptoms before AF arrives and this time nothing.

When do you think I should test again? Should I reach out to my OBGYN? Helpful advice?😅🙏🏼

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Same dates m also late having vvvvvvfl tests..will wait for 2 more days n test again if AF still not here


Gabby • Aug 2, 2024
Right now if I’m counting correctly I’m 17 DPO and atm I am on cd 35. I calculated my cycle projection to be the least amount of days I could get my period is 27 but typically 28 days and the most is 36 days but typically 34 days. So, I’m not out of the woods yet with AF making its appearance. Just simply playing the waiting game. I’m so nauseous right now- I typically get nauseous but not like this. Don’t know what that’s about. Anyway, Baby dust to you!


Gabby • Aug 2, 2024
Yeah I still haven’t gotten my AF yet and I tested this morning and still a BFN. I’ll try in 2 more days if AF doesn’t show it’s ugly face lol 😂