Late Period Negative Test


So I still haven’t gotten my period. The first photo is from a different app that has been more accurate for my period- at times I can go three days after it says it is “scheduled.” Well AF still hasn’t shown. (Other app says I am technically 5 days late, and this app says I am 4 days late.)

I have been nauseous in the morning however, with the health issues I’ve had (not pertaining to reproductive health,) nausea is common for me. I don’t believe I have signs of pregnancy- no sore breasts, or frequent urination. Yet, I am tried lately (again this is not unusual for me,) I have been nauseous, craving specific foods, been having hot flashes (typically I am always cold,) and my AF isn’t here. Also, what I find odd is with my digestive issues before getting my period I have flare ups of my symptoms and this time nothing? 🤔

I’ve taken about 5 red dye tests and all are BFNs. I’m not sure if I just ovulated late or what but typically I am always on time. I’m lost at the moment because most always I have period symptoms before AF arrives and this time nothing.

When do you think I should test again? Should I reach out to my OBGYN? Helpful advice?😅🙏🏼