I’m just at a loss….

Why have these tests gotten so bad?… this line showed up in the timeframe and it was darker than the shadow I’ve seen the last two days but I don’t trust it… clear blue early pink dye was negative but IF I were to be pregnant my levels are probably under 10?… can I trust this? It was hard to get in a photo but it was clearer in person. Now after the timeframe it doesn’t seem as obvious but it’s still there. This photo was taken IN THE TIMEFRAME.

Any good internet cheapies that I could order to be here tomorrow?… really low sensitivity like first response? But honestly at this point is it even necessary? Because if I am pregnant it should be getting darker.. and my period is due Wednesday. My last son I got a bfp 2 days before my period and negatives until then. There is a part of me that really feels I’m pregnant, but then a realistic part of me that says I’m not and it’s just pms, all in my head. I’m getting bummed 😞

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