
Hey guys!

Not sure who this will reach but I would like to embark on creating a detailed calendar for individuals who might meet struggling to conceive, have issues with painful ovaries and the list goes on.

I have done market research and there’s non out there! Everyone just had to find their own ways of keeping track. Yes period or <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">ovulation tracker</a> is great but nothing beats a pens paper.

I would like to introduce myself,

I had been struggling with painful periods, constant cysts in ovaries, painful ovaries and uterus since a young age. I had been advised multiple times to keep track of pains but of course nothing out there to purchase so my journey is smoother. Earlier this year I had been diagnosed with a abnormal uterus in a shape of a heart and a fallopian tube being too close to the wall which may cause a lot of difficulty getting pregnant or a very dangerous pregnancy.

I would be more than grateful for anyone who contributes to the idea and once it’s up and running I’ll make sure everyone will receive a free copy for themselves.

I love hearing peoples struggles which I can relate to. So why not here aye? We all struggle or had struggles in the past.

Thank you ladies 🩷🩷