Let's share: How did you find out? What made you test?

M • Baby #2 due Aug ‘18
Ok, I thought it would be lovely to read other ladies' stories as well on how they found out they're pregnant, and what made them test 🤓
Let me start!
1) I had a CP in October, so I knew my AF is a little wonky. My cycle have always been a 34-day cycle, but the cycle after CP took about 36-37 days. (Oh, so I thought it's not too bad and not too far off.)
2) so I expected my AF would arrive on the 1st of Jan (on Glow), and 31st of Dec (on Ovia). I waited....... And waited. Me: just give it another day or so.
3) I took a test on the 31st of Dec using FRER. Man... Negative! 😔 but it's ok, because I'm well equipped for the next cycle, and will be trying again.
4) AF didn't turn up..
5) however, I've been feeling very fatigue (and I thought it could be jet lag since I took a 13 hour flight from 1 country to another and it's about 8 hour difference between these 2 countries). Then.... My boobs started being quite sore, and my nipples too. I brushed it off thinking it could be in my head. Well, FRER showed negative right.
6) on the 6th, I couldn't wait for my AF anymore. WHERE IS SHE?!?! 😡 so I decided to test to make sure I'm not pregnant then I wanna go to the GP because not having AF is stressing me out. (Like I said, I thought my cycles are wonky. And I really wanna conceive.)
7) so I tested. Put the test stick aside, then I cleaned up. Told myself, "ah for sure it's going to be a single line again." Then when I looked, "is that a double line?!"
(Dated wrongly, it's for 2016)
8) took another test to make sure it is what it is.
What's your story?