

These were all taken today, 1 being morning to 3 being this afternoon. Doctors said I’m 5 weeks they’re going by last menstrual which was July 12 but I feel like I’m earlier than that. Went to a doctor August 12 and they saw nothing in ultrasound but my hcg levels were at a 39 and were suggesting to terminate in case it was ecotopic. I also Got my very first faint August 2nd at home and a faint at a doctors August 14 I feel like I’m super early into this pregnancy. I didn’t take the first doctors opinion. I’m currently waiting for my appointment the 28 with another doctor to get a second opinion before “terminating” also to note I haven’t had any sharp pain nor bleeding since August 5 heavy bleeding only lasted two days and hospital said at that time my hcg levels were at a 18 so they progressed. What do yall think?