I ended things with the dad of my twins


I always ignored how my ex treated me, for example he always commented on my weight, I’m chubby but not unhealthy. He always told me I had to loose weight or he would leave me, he said if a gained a certain amount of weight during my pregnancy he would leave and if I didn’t loose all of the baby weight he would leave. Today I found out I am having twins, I got told by him it’s my fault that my body let two eggs fall at the same time causing me to have twins; well that was after he was on his phone the entire ultrasound and follow up appointment. He then told me that I had baby trapped him, and that he hopes I at least loose one and or both since I can’t get an abortion anymore, he had begged me prior to the appointment to get one. I know finding our twins was a lot but all he could do was talk about how it was going to affect him and not how it was going to affect me. Not only that but he always acts like he knows my body better than I do, such as I had morning sickness with resulted in me waking up very early to throw up, well in doing so I ended up like ripping the back of my throat or something from the acid and caused me to throw up a few dots of blood, I already checked with the ob she said it’s normal but if it keeps happening let her know. Well he told me that it wasn’t morning sickness but that I was just nervous, I don’t throw up when nervous. Maybe I am overthinking this but my whole family is telling me that this is how abusive relationships start and that he is being verbally abusive and trying to keep me down about myself and think that I am nothing without him. I don’t know since I have never been in one before, and that if I did not leave him they would’ve had to step in and do something. My family is not controlling but my older sister went down the wrong path through her exes and they do not want me to end up the same way, I also try my hardest to listen to what they have to say and if they say I’m not leaving I’m not. I only just turned 18 June 27th and still let my parents take some control of things for me so I do not screw myself over such as have them go to the bank with me to set up an account so that they can walk me through it. I have trouble understanding things sometimes because it has to be broken down or I will not understand, it’s to do with me not being able to read something out of a book and understand what they are saying, it’s normal but they also know that I can be screws over through it though. Should I go back to the dad or not and am I letting my parents control too much or are they just worried?