Helpp 😭😭 updated… 🙃


Update #2…. It’s literally wild even thinking about typing this out… but I just left from the emergency department. They had me come repeat the blood draw. When they got my hcg levels back, it rose… so they ordered a repeat ultrasound with the worry of an ectopic pregnancy… and there was the itty bitty baby. Sitting right where it’s supposed to be. In my uterus. I am baffled. I had already broken down and told a bunch of my close family and friends what was going on… I’ve had so many miscarriages that this just felt like it was another one about to happen… and my biggest worry was that I was going to have to have surgery for an ectopic pregnancy 😞 I can’t begin to explain the relief I feel… but I’m still not completely in the clear.. I’ll follow up with my OBGYN this week!

Update: not good news… there is no visible sack in my uterus, so they are worried about a possible ectopic. But they just can’t see anything at all… which isn’t surprising because I’m still very early.. but my hcg count is only at 1000 and I know that might sound alright, but for as far along as I should be, that’s wayyyy too low. I know for a fact that if I would have had my numbers drawn a couple days ago; it would be lower. So I’m definitely out of the group… I hope you all have beautiful healthy pregnancies and babies! Sending y’all all the dust! 💖💙💖💙💖💙

Y’all… my OBGYN can’t get me in until September the 9th… and I know that’s literally right around the corner.. but I keep having these stabbing/burning pains in my right side… and it’s scaring the heck out of me… I don’t wanna go sit at the er because I’m not bleeding at all.. but I just don’t know what to do 😭😭😭😭 I have issues with miscarriages and infertility… so the amount of stress I have with this sinking feeling that something isn’t right is eating me alive…