How to find time to date or be alone


Ok stay at home moms I need some help how do you carve out time to date your husband's and have time for yourself.

I'm in the thick of motherhood right now and my husband is working sometimes six days a week and they can be 13 hour days. We don't have the family help unfortunately and cannot afford sitters or find a sitter that will take on our overly active boys. I'm really feeling the weight of everything.

I do legit everything all day everyday for months and I'm really snapping. I'm asking my husband for time and I'm just not getting it with him or a solution for help. I don't get time away from the kids except for when they are asleep and even then I'm still up a couple times a night breastfeeding. I can keep a busy calendar, make every appointment on time, keep a clean home, make every meal for everyone all day everyday, build lesson plans, do activities with the kids alone. But the truth is I'm miserable. I thought when we built our family we would have chiseled out family time or dates or even time I had alone once in a while and it's not like that at all.

I have friends I talk to and do play dates but I'm craving family time and time I'm not the organizer and the cleaner and the caretaker all alone.

I don't know what to do really about our situation I keep talking about it and my husband really says nothing I think he likes our arrangement and doesn't see a solution other than me just accepting this is how it is. We did have a few hour date today and that will be it for at least six months.

I love my kids but I feel like a single mom. I want to be dated and cherished. I want to feel valued. I am just not sure what to do. I don't know how normal our situation is for stay at home moms. My friends all also work outside the home and their marriages are split more between kids and homes and our marriage isn't like that.

How do I make it work to get a few hours here or there without kids and also how to I figure out to carve time for dates. We have a very busy schedule and I'm burned out. I don't have the financial resources to hire out help. Looking for some advice.