Flexibility training

⭐️MerFerret⭐️ • Beagle mama • Lupus & Fibro • 🏳️‍🌈 bi

I've started a 30 day challenge for flexibility. I am considering starting beginners adult ballet when classes start in January.

When I was a little kid I loved ballet and I got bullied out of it not by students but my own mother. She told me I was too fat and since I'll never be a real ballerina I shouldn't be taking classes (my teacher had referred me to the advanced adult drop in class as a kid so she must have seen my talent). Eventually I quit when I couldn't perform because I was so self conscious about being the chubby girl in class

But now I'm old and not flexible so I am doing daily flexibility stretches and am hoping to start ballet again as a hobby. I feel a little embarrassed to start at square one at almost 30 can anyone give some encouragement?