Needs some advice


I don’t know really where to start but I need some relationship advice on what to do because lately me and my boyfriend we have been arguing like on and off. Yes I have my pardon he has his obviously so it’s both of our guises fault and lately the only thing that triggers me getting mad is whenever he starts to call me names and what he tends to call me a lot is a dumb bitch or he calls me a whore or a hoe obviously I give him names back in return because of that after I had asked him previously not to call me that anymore and we had made an agreement on it but he still did you know it does today is his birthday right? And so I was thinking you know he’s gonna come home from work. We’re gonna spend some time together what not and then you know he’s gonna be like no let’s go get something to eat that wasn’t the case, so he got home. He got in the shower he started getting ready. He didn’t even ask me once if I wanted to go anywhere with him and me being me I’m not just going to invite myself like I like for somebody to ask me first and then I’ll be like yeah you know I’ll tagalong, so he went out to his truck. I went in his truck and I was like oh I’m gonna go with you and he told me no and then he proceeded to tell me no you can’t come with me because you don’t have any money. Like what right he really just down. Made me feel like shit whenever he told me that he talk about. Oh you’re not gonna be able to pay for anything for my birthday this and that but for Christmas I gave him multiple presents and he didn’t even give me one so then he wants to sit there and act like I never wasted any kind of money on him.