Reasons why I thought I had my period??



Was not tracking. Aug 24th Saturday swore I began my period with a red bleed, happened for 4-5 days. Tested randomly(top tests) because I was nauseous & expected clear negatives…nope. Then todays test(bottoms) they seem to be darker? But why was I bleeding like it was a period??? I never had that before with other pregnancies(alive & lost). I guess I’ll post this to the general group not sure which group is best for this post.

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Posted at
Call your doctor and ask them to track hcg. I had this happen with an ectopic pregnancy


MA • Sep 2, 2024
That’s terrifying! So sorry you had to go through that!! Wow but it’s good to know, that it could be a possibility.


A • Sep 1, 2024
I did not have any pain until 2 and a half weeks after my first positive test. For me, the heavy bleeding that i thought was my period was the baby inplanting in my tube. I didnt fully rupture, my tube only started bleeding and thats when i had one sided pain and started to bleed again


MA • Sep 1, 2024
Does this mean pain on one side though? I’ve had zero pain. When the bleeding was happening & still now. I’m no longer bleeding. It must’ve been something to do with implantation maybe? I see Doctor in two days.


Posted at
the second tests do appear to be darker. If you’re not bleeding anymore & it is darker, it might be a multiple pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, SCH, or something else. I’m not a doctor, so I’d get in touch with one & have your hcg tested like mentioned in the other comment.


MA • Sep 1, 2024
Thank you! It’s a wait & see id say! Talked it out with a friend & I actually recall when ovulation could have occurred it woke me up out of my sleep as if an egg popped out. I had remembered telling my friend I think a cyst burst when I was sleeping & it would’ve landed when ovulation time would have been…with the look of these lines. So crazy


Posted at
Was there clots for the “period”? Super heavy bleeding like a usual period?


MA • Sep 1, 2024
It was just a very regular period for me. First 3 days red, the last two brown to nothing. I believe there was some clots but nothing heavy.