Pregnant naturally after ivf


Hi all,

Just wanted to share this in case it helps someone.

In 2022 we decided to do <a href="">IVF</a> due to endometriosis. We had one unsuccessful round (5 transfers, 1 pregnancy on 2nd transfer which tragically needed to be terminated at 15 weeks due HLHS) which we did at some fancy European clinic in Prague. Then, we decided to just do it back home in Israel and immediately (first transfer) got pregnant with healthy identical twin girls who are turning 16 months in a few days. There pregnancy was physically super easy but mentally hard. After what had happened in the previous pregnancy, we were diagnosed with SIUGR (relatively common risk in identical twin pregnancies) and had to fear for the girls’ life’s from week 19 onwards until they were born at 33+1. (They don’t let SIUGR pregnancies continue beyond 34 weeks). But 3 weeks in the NICU and we were home!!

We knew we wanted another baby but I also wanted to give these little miracles everything I could so I exclusively pumped and provided them with breastmilk until they were 12 months and then started to pump less for another 3 months and 11 days (so pumping 15.5 months for twins - not easy but so glad I did). As I started pumping less, my period came back, though very light only. We decided we had nothing to lose and started trying naturally. The first 3 cycles we weren’t taking it too seriously but it was as if I started feeling the presence of another baby.

So for cycles 4 and 5 I started to really try and connect. I started telling people that we wanted another baby (unusual for me, after the loss we told most people only after the girls were born that we had been expecting!), I meditated with ‘circle and bloom’ (as I had done during the 2ww with the girls), started running again, and so on…

Cycle 4 nothing happened. As expected, I thought, after all, I was told we needed <a href="">IVF</a> (and still have one lovely AAA embryo frozen). Cycle 5 I ovulated in day 7/8 - so way to early for an egg to mature properly and be fertilized, right? Wrong!

In the day of my very last pumping session, August 28, we got a positive pregnancy test and HCG levels have been nicely rising since plus am ultrasound confirmed the an intra uterine pregnancy (I was afraid of ectopic for a moment).

I am a scientist and have a hard time believing…. But there were so many coincidences. The baby was conceived on a powerful blue super full moon. A week later I had a positive dream of a huge blue moon rising, turning into a red-orange planet, and bursting - but it was a good experience. Then, we got the positive test on August 28, not only my last pumping day but also my mother’s birthday - when pregnant with the girls, we got the positive on my husband’s birthday, October 28. And then, calling my brother the day after the test, wanting to tell him but deciding last minute as the phone was ringing not to tell him or anyone yet, he greeted me with “hi! I dreamt of you last night. You said you had something important to tell me and then told me you were pregnant!” ….Whaaat the …?!?! There were a few other small things- like wild animals coming to the house and staying, a huge dragon fly landing on the girls bedroom window and staying there for hours (a few days before the pregnancy test) but here’s one more big one: what’s the due date for this baby? My girls’ 2nd birthday, May 17.

Anyway, long story short, we’re now 5 something weeks pregnant.

I hope this story can give hope to someone out there.

Also, any take on all those strange things that happened surrounding this pregnancy? I mean, those are a few coincidences too many to feel just random…yes? No?

Let me know what you think :-)