My coworker was wrongfully fired. I need advice on how to clear her name!

Ok so....

A couple weeks ago my coworker (a registered nurse) was fired for accusing another coworker (a certified nursing assistant) of coming to work drunk. The CNA has told everyone about this incident and how she was sent home with pay so jokes on the RN. The RN was apparently fired for false accusations. I'm not particularly close to her but she sent out a message to the nurses saying that she's no longer employed at (workplace) and has been instructed not to talk about her termination, but she's going to miss us.

Which brings us to tonight. I ended up recording the CNA in the staff room talking with someone saying "Yeah I got her ass FIRED! I didn't even have to prove I wasn't drunk ***hahaha*** I was a little drunk but they can't prove that without a test and I refused to let them do it. They had a cop out here and everything ***hahahaha*** but I don't drive and there's no law against walking home drunk! I just cried and told them my eyes were red from crying and I was shaking because I've never been accused of this before **hahahaha***I got her written up for bullying me and giving me a bad name. I even got her written up for making me leave and embarassing me like that. I guess I'm a badass when I'm drunk ***hahahaha***"

This is probably all kinds of illegal to record what I recorded and I get that. But ... This RN has to report that she was terminated to our college. It goes on her record. The CNA lied about being drunk to our workplace and (apparently) to a cop. She is still allowed to work. The RN did everything right in my eyes.

The bit I recorded is about 1 minute long. It's strictly audio. I don't want to lose my job over this, but I feel like HR has to know.

I just don't even know where to begin.

Edited: In my state you only need consent from one party to record but I'm not on the recording

Edited again: I sent an anonymous email from a burner account. I can't believe I didn't think of that.