Hpt with breast milk


So, I am just curious because I have been googling and stumbled across posts of people testing their breast milk for pregnancy. Apparently it has more concentrated HCG in it so can test positive sooner than urine. I decided to give it a try because there is a strong possibility that I could be pregnant. A little back story. I haven't breastfed in about 5 months and have been dried right up for at least 4 months. The day before yesterday I started leaking what looks like colostrum and my boobs have been veiny, tingly, and heavy feeling. I am still about a week give or take a little from my expected period so I decided to try out the theory and my breast milk was positive on every test I did including digital ones so you would assume that it would not be a false positive, right? I would like people's experiences and opinions on this. Considering I haven't breastfed in awhile and I just randomly started producing again there is a strong possibility that these are actual positives? Any feedback, opinions, and experiences would be greatly appreciated. I posted pictures as well. Top positive and digital test are breast milk and negative is urine but not taken first thing in the morning. I am going to continue urine testing to see but I am curious on your thoughts now.