15dpo still getting negatives... Just here to vent!!

Amber June

Never been so confused before. No AF. No bleeding or spotting. Been lightly cramping and lower back ache on and off for a week slight nausea a few times, very tired but I can't sleep very well. I've been reading stories about women getting their BFP 16dpo or later I'm just praying that's the case with me. It's exhausting hoping for a BFP and it's all been negatives. If I'm not pregnant and AF shows I'm just feeling done for a while. It's been a little stressful this cycle for some reason. I tracked ovulation got 2 positive ovulation tests 2 days in a row had sex my whole O window. Now I'm about to be 2 days late no BFP. Frustrating as ever. I've never cramped for a week like this and no AF. I usually get cramps and start the same day or one day later. Praying for a BFP in the next day or two. Just so tired of testing! 😩😞