Am I wrong for wanting to eat dinner with my whole family

My son, 16 is an over achiever. I don't mean that in a negative way. I am proud of him. But I never see him. He wanted to join more than one extracurricular activity and me and my husband said he could as long as he keeps his grades up. To play sports they can't be failing any classes. Me and my husband told him he needs to keep his grades as a C average at least. His grades throughout high school have mainly been B's and C's. He's a junior and currently on the basketball team, the soccer team, and the hockey team. Along with having a part time job teaching karate. So I rarely see my son. Every time he comes home from either work or practice he says he already ate and goes to bed. I would like him to eat dinner with the family but my husband said we should allow him to just go to bed if he wants to go to bed. But if I barely see him except for weekends and even weekends he tries to spend with friends I would at least like dinner with the entire family. Am I wrong?