Can utrogestan delay miscarriage?


Hello everyone,

I've had 5 miscarriages, and 2 healthy pregnancies one with using progesterone (utrogestan).

I didn't use progesterone in any pregnancies where I had a miscarriage. Usually between 4-5,5 weeks.

I am now pregnant again with our rainbow baby, and I should be 6 weeks and 2 days, and I'm using utrogestan again.

However at my early ultrasound yesterday, they saw a little sack in the uterus, but no baby. It looked like a pregnancy from between 4-5 weeks. There is a chance it stopped developing, but it could also just be not as far as I thought.

They will give it 1,5 weeks and do another ultrasound.

But if I am not as far along, how could I test positive on September 2th? (That's 18 days ago)

However, now my mind is going all places, trying to stay positive and hope October 2th we can see a tiny baby!

But could using utrogestan cause a possible miscarriage to be missed? I see different things online. What if it did stop developing and the progesterone is keeping it from being aborted?

Would hcg keep going up? I did do another test, it says I'm 5+ weeks, which gives me hope, but is also weird because the midwife says I'm not that far?

Maybe I am just on the edge of 5 weeks, I really hope so, but I have no idea if I'm now only 5 weeks, how I could have tested positive 18 days ago 🥲 it will be a long 1,5 weeks 😮‍💨