Saying I Love You

I’ve known my boyfriend for a little over 6 months. We started as friends and have been dating since July 4th and officially together since August 10th.

I’ve only been in one long term relationship before and it came with a lot of love bombing from the other person so “I love yous” came very quickly from them. Same goes for any type of relationship/situationship outside of that.

I usually wait until the other person says it first, but my current boyfriend hasn’t said it yet. If he doesn’t love me or want to say it, I’m okay with that but I do love him and it’s difficult to not tell him. Who knows if he’s waiting for me to say it first or not? But so far he’s been the one to make all of the first moves so I’m feeling shy about it.

I guess I’m just not sure what a normal timeframe is for saying “I love you” in a newer relationship? I don’t want to be lame or make him uncomfortable if he doesn’t feel the same or something. What should I do?