Am I pregnant or just losing it?!

Okay so for starters I'm only a week late, my period has always been super regular but my last period came 2 weeks early because I took a plan B. Both of my apps now say I'm 7 days late, I haven't had unprotected sex since my last period but did have sex several times while ovulating, is it possible the condomn wasn't effective, no visible breaks that I know of, I'm only concerned because even though it would only be a few weeks I have been the moodiest most nauseated mess this week, I've also been fighting a uti and just in general haven't felt like myself, I haven't taken a test yet and don't know if I should even waste it because the chances are so slim but I'm still very concerned. I'm 19 and scared of getting on birth control but have been w my bf for a year so I live in constant fear 😂

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