Struggling to conceive?


I just wanted to put this out there in case this reaches women who are having trouble conceiving. For over the last year, me and my partner has been trying to conceive with no luck. I really thought something may have been wrong with me and my fertility (although I do already have a son whose 10) but figured maybe my reproductive system may have changed with age or what not. So I was going to do blood work to check on my fertility levels. But I for the last 2 months I started taking these probiotic vitamins and in no way do I get paid for advertising them, but it was called Happy V. It helps balance out PH and restore vaginal floral. Maybe it doesn’t need to be exactly that brand but I do feel like taking the probiotics helped increase my fertility because within those 2 months of taking it I’m now 5 weeks pregnant !! I’m definitely not saying this will work for everyone but I do feel like it must have helped and perhaps a woman who’s struggling to conceive can at least start there! Wishing you all luck on your conceiving journeys!