6dp5dt - is this good?

I took a test. I know I should of waited but the suspense was killing me. My 5 day transfer was on tuesday 24th morning. The first two days I experienced some discomfort and had brown spotting. I didn't associate this with implantation due to the transfer not going as smoothly because the doctor had trouble navigating down there. The last few days I've had been extremely fatigued, horrible headaches and I'm smelling everything that others aren't. I didn't want to symptom spot due to taking progesterone but as of today I was experiencing light cramping, like AF was on her way, but I'm not even due for another week. I tested today. It wasn't my first output of the day and I've drunk 2L of water so it wasn't as concentrated. The test told me to wait 5mins for results however the line appeared 3mins in. Could this be something good?