Do you find the calendar on here accurate?

Does anyone find the calendar on here accurate as far as when you ovulate and have your cycle? Mine tells me my ovulation is like almost a week after when I feel like (in my body) that I have it.

That being said I’m thinking *maybe* I could be pregnant. However idk when to test.

Some info: with my first kid, my boobs hurt like a week and a half before I should have started my period and my heartburn throughout pregnancy was so bad I’d wake up being water boarded by acid reflux

It’s been 12 days since my husband and I did a dance and yesterday and today especially my boobs feel heavy and like they’re on fire. I also woke up coughing up acid last night as well. I woke up and instantly wondered but idk when to test. I tested today and it was neg.

I don’t remember when I tested vs when my boobs hurt last time

I know that’s a lot of info so if you made it this far thank you and I’ll just take any suggestions. I know waiting is the obvious choice, and I’m gonna wait but sometimes talking helps 😅