So OVER IT! Helppp

Bear with me as this is a bit long. I can go longer but will spare everyone the best I can. Lol

My son is about to turn 2 years old and I am so done with nursing him. He only does it for the comfort at this point, and it makes it to where I never get any solid sleep at all. Hes always used me as a pacifier since he was born and was NEVER able to fall asleep on his own without my nipple. (Aside from car rides)

I can’t even sit down on the couch or at the dinner table to relax during the day because he comes straight to me and wants to be all over me for my boob. He eats solid foods now of course but refuses cows milk or any other milk. He loves water, which is good and I have even tried giving him plant based protein shakes for his age just to see if he would like it. I’ve also tried that nipple balm from Amazon to make the taste gross which only worked a few days, then he got used to it. He doesn’t need my milk anymore, so I have no guilt with quitting now. My first goal was to just nurse him until he was 1 as he is my last baby and I was never able to nurse my other 2 children like I wanted to. I wasn’t able to stop when he turned 1 because he was too attached, so now here I am coming up on 2. All through the night he is always going for my nipple and if I don’t let him, he will just cry and throw a tantrum. Even if I move, he immediately gets up to look for me and nurse. It’s difficult because my husband wakes up very early for work and I don’t want to wake him so I just give in. I also am so tired so I just give in to the night feeds so I don’t have to deal with it. I’ve been putting him to sleep this week by having to let him cry and throw a tantrum lasting an hour or more until he falls asleep. I tell him “no boobs” and he gets so upset. So the last is the middle of the night feeds. It’s already so hard to deal with fighting him to even fall asleep for bed time without it. My husband offers to take him but then that means he gets no sleep for work the next day and I don’t like that idea since he drives a truck for the city all day. The couch isn’t an option either since our bedroom is right next to it, so you can hear everything even with our noise maker. I know we just have to suck it up and take some sleepless nights to get him used to this but it’s hard to see a light at the end of the tunnel with it. Has anyone been through this before? What was your experience? How long did it take your little one to get used to not nursing for comfort anymore? I got some Sudafed from the store in hopes to clear up my supply but haven’t taken it yet because I’m not sure if it will even work as long as he’s on my nipples causing stimulation to my supply in the middle of the night. I don’t even have much milk anymore. I rarely feel a let down!