Brown blood



Okay yall I’m 15 days from my period, they are very regular as in my period always starts within 1-2 days every month. I’m on the pill, Millia. So I had brown blood in my underwear earlier, no red just brown. I’ve never ovulation bled, I don’t mid cycle bleed. It’s the same every month. Why am I having brown blood/discharge 15 days before my period? Should I go to the dr? I wish I had a picture but I was so aggravated I just didn’t take one. Thanks yall!

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Ovulation spotting is still normal even if you've never had it before. I went 15 years without it before I randomly got it 3 months in a row and then it went away again. Could also be a little cyst burst or something else minor. Brown blood (old blood) isn't typically anything to be concerned about.


Savannah • Oct 8
It lasted 3 ish days never turned red or pink. My boobs aren’t sore like with regular periods but it’s not heavy at this point just appears when I wipe