Endometriosis ?

Okay so after my baby and having a c section a year and 17 postpartum I’ve noticed this burning sensation in my left ovary. Sometimes before and/or sometimes after. And it can last a week or so. Well my concern was that I had endometriosis went to see a obgyn and he asked well are you having pain during intercourse and/or while pooping! I didn’t experience neither of that so I said no. Until 3 days ago! I am 11 days away from my period and I experienced a huge belly uncomfortable poops and a serve pain during sex that caused us to stop. I woke up and had to use the bathroom and it was horrific horrible pain that i didn’t want to even let out. Also was having such a tightening feeling in my uterus and MY BUTT WAS HURTING LIKE PERIOD CRAMPS IN MY BUTT. I started to feel so faint and dizzy/nausea I have never felt this before I didn’t want to go to ER because i feel i was being extra well I didn’t want to assume i was but i was in pain. My husband told me to take a Tylenol I did and it still was there not as severe though. ( I am not on my period) but i am having all these symptoms. Today I woke up and just felt like I got hit by a bus I’m very fatigued. Has this happened to anyone???