Is his penis too big or is it something else? (Sorry for TMI)

Hi guys,

This is a bit of a weird post I think, and sorry in advance for tmi! It's just a bit awkward to have this chat with anyone else lmao.

I have been seeing someone for a little while now to the point we have had sex a few times. I am actually struggling to have sex at times, it hurts when it goes all way in and I've never experienced this before.

He is the 2nd person ive been with so maybe it's lack of experience, but I think his Penis is too big and it hurts, even if we start slow. It doesn't matter how wet I get, it still will hurt if he puts it all the way in and I genuinely can't handle it 🥲 (again sorry for TMI!)

Is it from lack of experience? Can a Penis be too big? He is 6 foot 3 and I'm 5 foot 3 and I'm quite small... could it be this?

Will I ever get used to it and it feel pleasurable, or if it hurts now will it always hurt?

Any guidance or insight is appreciated!

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