Biggest baby belly yet


I’m pregnant with my third and just now starting my third trimester at 28 weeks, 2 days. I get asked all the time if I’m due soon but I’m not due till New Years. I’m 5’2” with a shirt torso I guess, so my belly is just straight out but it’s getting painful with how tight and round it is and I worry about how I’m actually going to be able to handle being full term at this rate! Im getting uncomfortable and I don’t remember being this uncomfortable yet with my last. I’m praying the next few weeks fly by and I don’t grow too rapidly or the baby moves into a position that makes me more comfortable because I want to enjoy what’s left of this pregnancy. Everyone including my husband thinks she’ll come a little early. Did anyone give birth a couple weeks early with their 3rd because their baby grew so much or they were smaller stature with little room?

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