6w1d but no longer with twins


Hi all! Its my first time pregnant and I have PCOS so had to use ovulation meds! Finally got my positive a few weeks back. I went for an early scan since my left fallopian tube is blocked and as I was having pain there I was worried I had an ectopic pregnancy. Thankfully not! But they did see 2 yolk sacs indicating early twins! I went back a couple days ago for another scan and this time there was only 1 baby. My husband and I are a little sad, because both he and I each have a twin and it would have been so special to have twin babies as well. I know it's normal to have a vanishing twin this early but am still a little heartbroken :( Just wanting to share I guess, I've never posted on this app so just wanted to reach out. Sending love to all the mums to be and those TTC!