3 day FET - Success Stories?


Hello all - Husband and I have been TTC for baby #2 for two years now, and after an ectopic last year that removed a tube we decided to go down the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> route.

No known fertility issues and all tests good from both sides.

We had six mature eggs and all fertilized.

On day 3, we were told one was grade 2 with 7 cells, and the rest between grades 3 and 4.

They transferred the 7 cell grade 2 on day three.

By day 5, we were told none of the others made it to blast stage, so we have none for freezing. Our only chance is the one transferred.

Its a long shot so we're not holding out too much hope. Anyone have any positive experiences to share to help ease my anxieties? X