BFP after 4 years of infertility & 2 rounds of IUI


My best advice is ADVOCATE FOR YOURSELF NO MATTER WHAT. ADVOCATE ADVOCATE ADVOCATE. If I had not argued, pushed, & pursued to advocate for myself & my husband, I would’ve never seen my BFP without paying tons for <a href="">IVF</a>. We were pushed SOOO hard to pursue <a href="">IVF</a> if we wanted a baby & told we would we only had a 3-5% chance of getting pregnant from <a href="">IUI</a> by the same clinic who now got me pregnant with <a href="">IUI</a> 🙃

Short story: we went through 4 years of infertility. I have PCOS & endometriosis. My husband had low count & morphology. Hernia surgery improved morphology but had even lower count after. He got put on Clomid, I had 2 HSG/SHGs & a polypectomy, lost my vision from the birth control “holding pill” they put me on while waiting for surgery, had 1 failed round of <a href="">IUI</a> in September & 2nd round of <a href="">IUI</a> in October was successful! 🥳

Long story: My husband & I have been together for 13 years & married for 4. We started trying right after the wedding & knew there would be complications since I have PCOS & endometriosis. What we did not anticipate was my husband having low sperm count (9 million) & bad morphology. My husband had bilateral inguinal hernias & had them repaired February of 2021. After surgery, his morphology improved but count plummeted to 1.5 million. August 16 2022 I had a HSG/SHG where they found 1 fibroid & a polyp but the fertility doctor said she wasn’t going to remove them unless the polyp got bigger & she recommended <a href="">IVF</a> & urology for my husband. A urologist put him on Clomid in January 2023 & his count went up to 3 million. We were stuck there for a long time because my fertility clinic kept pushing for <a href="">IVF</a> because of his count. Finally, April 30 2024 his count was at 13 million & urology said we were good to contact the fertility clinic to do <a href="">IUI</a>. I had another HSG/SHG done toward the end of May 2024 & the fertility doctor decided that now the polyp needed to come out but that they couldn’t get me in for surgery until August 30th so I had to wait 3 months. I expressed my fears of my husbands count dropping again to them numerous times but they mostly just brushed me off telling me there was nothing they could do & that I could sit on the waitlist to hopefully get in sooner. There were no cancellations. They had also put me on birth control as a “holding pill” & I lost my vision after 8 days so they had to switch me to progesterone only (the vision loss only lasted for around 1.5-2hrs thankfully). So I had my surgery & waited for my next CD1 which came mid September. After some arguing with the clinic (they told me we could do a round of <a href="">IUI</a> in September then were trying to tell me I had to have a consult with the doctor first but she wasn’t available until sept 30th & I told them the other doctor said if my CD1 came before that appt we could do <a href="">IUI</a> & finally they realized that IS what I was told & proceeded with scheduling the <a href="">IUI</a>), they finally set up my <a href="">IUI</a> for Sept 27th. As I feared, my husband’s count was 1.6 million & I was CRUSHED. But we went through the round & I kept telling myself “it’s okay if it doesn’t work the first time. Your body has never done this before & it doesn’t know what to do”. The day before our wedding anniversary, we got our confirmed negative. We decided to try another round in October & although, based on the previous cycle, I expected to do the <a href="">IUI</a> on Oct 30 or 31, apparently my body was READY this round & I went in on CD12 with 2 follicles measuring 18.5 & 22. Did the <a href="">IUI</a> the next day, Oct 26, & had progesterone bloodwork done Nov 1. It came back at 21. Then had my BHCG blood draw Friday Nov 8 & it came back at 66. The clinic called me to confirm the positive pregnancy & I took an at home test & got a BFP 🥳 My husband’s birthday just happened to be the next day (Nov 9th) so it was great timing to find out just before. He might be even more excited than I am to finally have our positive result lol. I know it a still early (I believe I’m 3wk5d today?) but we are both SO excited to even have seen a positive finally after all these years of trying. It still does not feel real but we are both just trying to stay as happy & positive as possible 🤗