When did i ovulate?

Meaghan • Mom of 8yo and 4yo

Hoping to get some help figuring out when i ovulated! This is my first cycle since getting mirena out so wondering if that messed things up! I know you are suppose to BD multiple times in fertile window but this month we didnt get the chance and i think we missed O by one day...but trying to figure out for next cycle! I got a peak OPK on 25th and 26th and glow had originally had my O day on the 27th. Well on 29th i had egg white CM and it was brown... i logged it into the app and now it says my O day was the 28th..however i had negative OPK on 28th and 29th! Should i go by the original date ? Since im 99% sure i am out this month trying to figure out how long i get positive before temp shifts! Thoughts?