Still have a chance?


I tested with a digital & regular OPK kit on 12/19 @ 6:36 AM before i went to work. They were both negative but I can tell that I was VERY close to receiving a positive. I decided to check that night when I got home @ 6:25 PM 12/19 & both the digital & regular OPK were POSITIVE. Hubby & I didn’t get to BD until that night/next morning @ 4 AM on 12/20. I know you’re not supposed to keep testing after you receive your first positive, but I decided to test again 12/20 @ 6AM. & the line was even more dark than the first positive. Hubby & I BD again on 12/21 midday & I tested again afterwards & both digital & OPK were both negative. I’m confused on if my “peak” was on 12/19 when I got my first positive or 12/20 where the lines were darker? & would I still have a chance if I BD’d on 12/20 when I had a positive & 12/21 where it was negative? I’m afraid I may have been too late because these were the only days that we had the chance to BD. Pic below for reference.