12 year old pierced his own ears

I feel like my 12 year old is slowly losing respect for me and my husband. Mainly my husband. He now just stays his room majority of the time and plays fortnite. I went in there to tell him to clean up his mess in the kitchen and noticed he had sparkles on his ears. I asked if that was real and he said yes. I asked when and how did he get his ears pierced. He said when he went to his friend's house. His friends sister did it for him I said his dad is not going to like that and he said "Like I care about what a drunk thinks about me." My husband is an alcoholic. He's not really an abusive alcoholic. More so I dumb one. He's done some stupid things. I let him know he could get made fun of in school and he said he's already made fun of because of the cops having to get called on my husband when he tried to pick him up drunk and that some pierced ears isn't going to change anything. I told him he should have asked me before he did that he said "Whatever." I feel like he is just losing more respect. Is this a puberty thing? I let this go because me and Mom have been arguing so much lately that I'm emotional drained from arguing with my preteen. Im really scared he's going to lose respect for his dad completely because he doesn't even call him dad anymore. He tells me "you're husband" "Your husband is passed out on the lawn" "Your husband is drinking when he said he wouldn't" "Your husband is yelling at me" He's also flat out called his dad a drunk. I don't think he's used the word dad in 2 years. I'm so concerned for their relationship.