I'm about to just quit teaching

I'm DREADING going back to school next week. I am so ready to quit teaching and it's not even the parents. I have a few crazies but most of my parents are great. I have a principal who if he can't find a sub he's subbing for the class. I love my students. I love my principal. It's the county that's the problem. I teach 4th grade and it feels like every year especially since covid they've micromanaged us beyond belief. They keep adding all these new programs that they want to use to determine where are students are. I know my students. I know where they are. I know what they're capable of. I have the assignments and tests to prove it. But they are wanting to depend on these stupid little programs and their data to tell us where our students are instead of listening to the people around them every day. Just because it takes Conner who has ADHD longer to comprehend this boring passage about how donuts are made that means he's on a lower reading level so we have to put him in the reading group 2 grades below level even though I've seen this kid read and comprehend middle school level books. No one is listening to us. No one is trusting that we know what we are talking about when it comes to what our kids know. The fucking district county thinks they know better when they aren't spending one on one time with these kids everyday. They don't seem to want us to teach. They want these stupid programs to take over. Programs that are very one size fits all when that couldn't be further from the truth. And then when all our kids test scores are low because they decided they knew better and put them in learning groups they shouldn't be in us teachers will be blamed. I'm so over it right now!